Several good practices identified by international review at Paks NPP
11. 21. 2024

The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (OAH) and MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. requested the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to conduct the OSART mission to identify opportunities of further improvement in operational safety based on the available best practices. OSART is a voluntarily requested review against the IAEA safety standards system. The review team recognised the commitment of Paks NPP to safe and reliable operation.

Paks NPP has always been an active participant in the IAEA's OSART programme, which is now more than 40 years old: in 1988 Hungary was the first country from the "Eastern Bloc" to receive such a mission, repeated in 2001 and 2014 (these reviews are completed by a so-called follow-up review in 1.5-2 years, which evaluate how effectively the issues revealed during the review were managed).

The 18-day-long OSART review covered ten key areas: leadership and management for safety; operating experience; training and qualification; radiation protection; operations; chemistry; maintenance; emergency preparedness and response; technical support; and severe accident management; covering almost the entire operational spectrum of the nuclear power plant.

The draft report concluding the review, based on IAEA Safety Standards, identified several good practices at Paks NPP, which will be shared with the international professional community via the members of the organisation.

Exemplary solutions at Paks NPP include the development and implementation of a programme for monitoring and enhancing reactor containment hermeticity; the storage and sharing of data related to utility networks, equipment, geodesy, and 3D laser scan surveys on multiple platforms in the form of graphical files; and last but not least, the software developed by Paks NPP that accurately and reliably forecasts the timing of critical events (e.g. core damage, reactor vessel failure, large early releases) that may occur from an initial technical event, as well as the evolution of severe accident parameters.

Issues identified by the review team include more effective coaching of staff by managers to prevent human errors, a review of the maintenance equipment monitoring system, as well as review of unsecured equipment , in the event of an earthquake.

“The team was pleased to see that the plant was very well prepared and cooperated fully and openly with IAEA experts during the mission,” said team leader Yury Martynenko, Senior Nuclear Safety Officer at the IAEA. “The managers and staff of Paks NPP are committed to improving the operational safety and reliability of their plant, and we were pleased to see many actions in progress.”

“Nuclear electricity production is one of the most established technologies: the implemented processes and solutions, as well as continuous developments and a high level of safety culture together ensure that nuclear technology is among those, which pose the least amount of risk on society. The positive effects of climate-friendly, cost-effective and reliable nuclear energy on everyday life are evident. It was in the spirit of continuous learning that we had requested the IAEA review. The OSART mission has allowed us to make an in-depth assessment of our performance: the recommendations and suggestions will help us to continuously improve the plant’s operational safety, and thanks to the expertise of our staff, we can also contribute to the enrichment of global best practices” said Dr. Péter János Horváth, CEO of MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant. “Relentless improvements, constant regulatory supervision, along with the knowledge, expertise, and commitment of plant personnel are the cornerstones of safety”- emphasized the CEO.

Hungary and the MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. – in accordance with international treaties – frequently submit its performance to safety reviews in the industry. Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority (HAEA) reports are also regularly presented to EU and international professional organisations.

"The international review did not make any observations that would call into question the high level of nuclear safety of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. The recommendations and suggestions of the now-concluded review support the long-term preservation and consistent improvement of this safety level, as do the regulatory supervision activities of the Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority" - added László Juhász, Vice-President of the HAEA. 

Background information:

Besides the regulatory body, the findings of the OSART review will be made available for all parties involved in nuclear energy, namely the Hungarian public, politicians and other stakeholders. The fact that Paks NPP volunteers for this review process clearly demonstrates the willingness of the plant to transparently present and improve its operational practices. 

The objective of the OSART review is to improve the operational safety of nuclear power plants, to objectively evaluate the key areas of operational safety, as well as to promote the exchange of information and experience. The OSART review is not a substitute for the regular assessments of general safety conditions performed by the plant, nor does it rate the performance of Paks NPP against other nuclear power plants. The OSART review is a snapshot in the life of the power plant to identify those areas where further improvement can be achieved.

IAEA performs these reviews according to established methodology following its safety principles. The scope of the review complies with applicable standards, but can be adapted to the individual needs of the NPPs. The reviews are carried out by well-trained experts with a wide range of experience and the review process is fully transparent.