Corporate Social Responsibility

From the very beginning of its history, MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Ltd. has paid increasing attention to Corporate Social Responsibility. For about 40 years we have been present in the area defined by the Paks-Kalocsa-Szekszárd regional centres as the major investor, and the biggest economic enterprise and employer in the region. We, those working at the Company, know and believe that it is not sufficient simply to demonstrate outstanding economic results – we also have to find the means leading to the acknowledgement, selection and support of social values. Correspondingly, the plant engages in a number of environmental development and support activities, and assumes responsibility for the surrounding environment and its condition, the quality of life of those living in this environment, and for the development and future of the region. This approach applies equally to local authority and regional development areas, as well as to the support of health care, education, culture, churches and sport, plus assistance in the activities of civil organisations.